Esta información es sólo una guía. Las fechas de implementación de cada país pueden variar sin aviso y es responsabilidad del exportador  cumplir con los requerimientos del país importador al momento de la exportación.


PAIS//Fecha de entrada en vigencia

Más Información




*Ver Nota Externa Nº 1/2004 D.G. de Aduanas

y *Resolución SENASA Nº 19

*Resolución SAGPyA 3/2005

*Resolución SAGPyA 685/2005




*Ver docs Australia1, Australia2, Australia3



*Ver Instrucción Normativa Nº 4

*Portaria Nº 234 y Manual Anexo




Los países de la NAPPO adoptarán un sistema de implementación paulatina que llevará a la observancia estricta de la NIMF N.º 15 sobre embalaje de madera el 16 de septiembre de 2005.

Full implementation 16 September 2005. Have indicated they will accept Phytosanitary certification during the phase in period.

Ver más información 

*Fases de Implementación

*D-98-08, 5th Revision. June 9, 2005





Fecha propuesta de adopción: 1º de junio de 2005.

Entrada en vigencia (Según Acuerdo entre países del COSAVE: Argentina; Brasil, Chile; Paraguay y Uruguay) : 30 de junio 2005

Resolución Nº 133/2005 del SAG




Embalajes de Madera  de coníferas provenientes de regiones o países  en los que se haya detectado la presencia del nematodo del pino, sólo se aprobará el tratamiento térmico.









*Ver nueva Resolución

*Contact person: Daniel Hector Rico

Calle 28 No. 13A - 15, 1st floor

Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Tel.: (571) 350-5500, Ext. 713

Fax: (571) 350-9564

*Resolución 1079/2004


Costa Rica

El Art. 28 del Decreto Nº 32622-MAF (Publicado en “La Gaceta” el 19/09/2005), determina la entrada en vigor de la norma seis meses calendario después de su publicación para embalajes utilizados en mercancías de importación (19 de marzo del 2006).









El país exportador deberá notificar su marca (cumpliendo los parámetros de la NIMF 15) a Filipinas previo al primer embarque.





The Guatemalan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food via the Standards and Regulation Unit will require compliance with ISPM-15 depending on the exporting country requirement, and also as necessary considering the information on the phytosanitary condition of the exporting country. This is to say, that Guatemala will require compliance with ISPM-15 for wood packing material when the exporting country requires compliance.  



Hong Kong

Not likely to implement



Materiales embarcados desde el 1º noviembre 2004

1 November 2004 Phytosanitary certificate is required unless the wood packaging material is ISPM 15 compliant and marked accordingly. All treatments must be endorsed on the Phytosanitary certificate unless marked as ISPM 15.

India Delays Import Requirements for Wood Packaging Material

On November 19, 2004, India’s Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) advised that it would not detain or stop any imports containing wood packaging material for failing to comply with the provisions of the Third Amendment of the Plant Quarantine Order (Regulation of Import into India), 2004.  The MOA further advised that this ruling would remain in effect with respect to all consignments shipped from the country of export until May 31, 2005.  The announcement in effect provides a grace period for implementation of India’s new Plant Quarantine Order, which stated that, effective November 1, 2004, all imports of wood packaging materials into India must be marked as ISPM-15 compliant or be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with a treatment endorsement.


Have indicated they intend to implement but no date has been advised.






VER:  Norma Mexicana  NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2004, puntos referentes a la importación (5 y  6.6) y modificativos post Consulta Pública (publicado en el Diario Oficial del 3 de enero de 2005)


*Ver Norma Oficial Mexicana



New Zealand

1 August 2003, parallel systems in place NZ will accept wooden packaging that meets the requirements of ISPM 15 and is appropriately marked or wooden packaging material that meets existing standard.


Nigeria Plant Quarantine Service is now enforcing their import requirements for imported wood packaging material. Nigeria will accept the ISPM 15 mark in lieu of the phytosanitary certificate as stated in their regulation, which took effect September 30, 2004.



1 July 2004 uncertain of full enforcement date.




*Ver Resolución Directoral Nº 0105-2005-AG-SENASA-DGSV

*Resolución Directoral 518/2005

*Resolución Directoral 350/2005




Phytosanitary certificate is required unless wood packaging material is ISPM 15 compliant. If not ISPM 15 compliant, then one of the following treatments is required within 21 days of export from Australia. Fumigation with Methyl Bromide or Sulphuryl fluoride at 80g/m3 for more than 24 continuous hours, at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Phosphine fumigation at 1.41 g/m3 for 72 hours at a minimum 10°C and maximum 30°C. Filleted to 300mm maximum. Heat treatment at 70°C core temperature for more than 4 hours. Or by an approved chemical preservation method. All wood packaging material must be free of bark, quarantine pests, decay and other fungi and soil. All wood packaging material will be inspected on arrival in Samoa.





Singapore is not demanding ISPM-15 compliance in its own right. For transhipment cargo, and any cargo that is imported solely for re-export, it is recommended that the wooden packaging material should be treated and certified at the country of origin in accordance with the destination country’s requirements for wood packaging material.


South Korea



Implementation date currently set for 1 June 2005. Containers will be randomly selected for inspection to confirm wood packaging complies with ISPM 15. Failure to comply with ISPM 15 will result in the wood packaging material being directed for treatment.

Sri Lanka

1 March 2004 uncertain of full enforcement date.


Sud Africa




Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging material in International Trade (ISPM 15) will be fully implemented on 1 January 2005, requiring that all wood packaging material entering South Africa should be treated and marked in accordance with ISPM 15. Enforcement of ISPM 15 will be from 1 March 2005

Por mayor información contactarse con:

Ms A.P. Baxter

Manager: International Plant Health Matters

Private Bag X 258

Pretoria, 0001

South Africa

Tel: (09 27 12) 319 6114

Fax: (09 27 12) 319 6580





1 July 2004 uncertain of full enforcement date.


1 October 2004 proposed date of enforcement. There is some uncertainty about the actual enforcement date. Clients are strongly advised to confirm requirements prior to export.





All wood packing material should be debarked, subjected to fumigation by methyl bromide or heat treatment and marked in compliance with ISPM 15. -

Official Gazette: 30.12.2004-25686

Regulation Amending the Regulation on Marking the Wooden Packaging Material for Phytosanitary Measures

ARTICLE 1- Article 26 annexed with the Regulation published in the Official Journal dated 4th June 2004 and numbered 25482 to the Regulation on Marking the Wooden Packaging Material for Phytosanitary Measures published in Official Journal dated 4th May 2004 and numbered 25452 was amended as follows:

 “Article 26- ISPM 15 conditions will be obligatory for the products imported to our country in wooden packaging material as of 1st January 2006.”


ARTICLE 2 — This Regulation comes into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 3 — The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Union Europea:


(Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Channel islands, Czech Republic, French southern states, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Southern States, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Monaco, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Ireland, Ireland North, Isle of man, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saint Pierre, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.)


1º de marzo de 2005

El requisito:

“— estar fabricados con madera en rollo descortezada”

ha sido postergado hasta el hasta el 1º de marzo del 2006

Maderos para estibar

Los maderos para estibar pueden fabricarse con madera exenta de corteza, libre de plagas y de señales de plagas vivas hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2007.



Los embalajes de madera deberán:

estar fabricados con madera en rollo descortezada, y

ajustarse a una de las medidas aprobadas que se especifican en el anexo I de la publicación no 15 de las Normas Internacionales para Medidas Fitosanitarias de la FAO, titulada Directrices para reglamentar el embalaje de madera utilizado en el comercio internacional, y llevar una marca que incluya:

a) el código ISO de dos letras del país, un código de identificación del productor y el código de la medida aprobada aplicada al embalaje de madera en la marca que se especifica en el anexo II de la publicación no 15 de las Normas Internacionales para Medidas Fitosanitarias de la FAO, titulada Directrices para reglamentar el embalaje de madera utilizado en el comercio internacional. A la abreviatura de la medida aprobada incluida en la marca mencionada deberán añadírsele las letras “DB”, y

b) en el caso de los embalajes de madera fabricados,

reparados o reciclados a partir del 1 de marzo de

2005, también el logotipo contemplado en el anexo II de las mencionadas normas de la FAO. Sin embargo, el requisito (Aclaración: Se refiere sólo al símbolo de la IPPC que integra la marca) no se aplicará temporalmente hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2007 en el caso de los embalajes de madera fabricados, reparados o reciclados antes del 28 de febrero de 2005.

United Arab Emirates

Likely to be 2nd Quarter 2004 no official notification has been received.



Implementación total – importaciones después del 15 de septiembre de 2005
